Make Invisible Ink at Home!

Want to create invisible clues for family and friends to discover? Here’s a fun way to make your own invisible ink.

What you’ll need:

  • Half a lemon

  • Water

  • Spoon

  • Bowl

  • Cotton bud

  • White paper

  • Lamp or other light bulb


  1. Squeeze some lemon juice into the bowl and add a few drops of water.

  2. Mix the water and lemon juice with the spoon.

  3. Dip the cotton bud into the mixture and write a message onto the white paper.

  4. Wait for the juice to dry so it becomes completely invisible.

  5. When you are ready to read your secret message or show it to someone else, heat the paper by holding it close to a light bulb.

Barry Tonoff

Experienced creator of compelling digital properties and customer experiences that drive engagement and sales. Innovative marketing thinker and strategist with deep experience in online marketing, lead generation, and social media. Recognized writer and marketing copywriter. Driven to create meaningful and memorable customer experiences that generate measurable results.

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